Volunteers conducting walk audit
Volunteers prepare to conduct a walk audit at Crescentville Road and Adams Avenue in Northwest Philadelphia. This intersection is part of Philadelphia’s high injury network.

Feet First Philly developed two walk audits to organize and engage residents, community leaders, students, and stakeholders to build coalitions, create agreement on common safety concerns, identify solutions, and advocate for change.

Quantitative walk audits focus on a particular intersection or specific road section of concern. The audit centers around gathering specific information across five categories: crossing streets/intersections, sidewalks, driver behavior, safety, and comfort/appeal. Taking a deep dive into measurable traits like sidewalk width, crosswalk length, traffic light timings, and counting vehicles and pedestrians, the goal is to evaluate and identify specific walkability challenges at a location, which can then be used to guide solutions and track changes. Feet First Philly and Temple University’s Office of Sustainability created a quantitative walk audit certification course for students interested in improving the pedestrian environment.

Group of people conducting a walk audit in Center City Philadelphia

Feet First Philly’s Qualitative walk audit focuses on a corridor or walking route that pedestrians use to access neighborhood assets like green spaces, places of prayer, schools, transit stops, and food stores. The qualitative walk audit is designed for any resident or organization to broadly evaluate walkability in their community, and use it as an organizing tool and the first step towards creating change. Feet First Philly, Asociación Puertorriqueños en Marcha, and Get Healthy Philly partnered together to offer an online training to support community leaders and organizers with a common interest in safe, accessible, and attractive spaces for walking and rolling.